Portable Roads & Tracks

Portable Roads & Trackways

Portable Roads & Trackways  are Flexible Mat Based Surfaces, which provide solutions to create Temporary and Semi-Temporary pathways in terrain where Vehicular/ Tank & Aircraft movement gets hampered due to Soft/ Marshy land / Sandy/ Snowy surfaces/ Rivers /  where the wheels gets stuck in the ground. Once laid on such a surface it facilitates smooth vehicular and troop movement.

Track ways also can be used to create clean and solid stable surfaces on soft or soggy ground where infrastructure like Tent’s, Shelters, Medical Facilities, Field Hospitals & Military Events are conducted, after laying this on the ground, facilities can be created over it. It prevents water logging and prevents ground deterioration.

The Track ways can also be laid under water to create paths for Tanks & Trucks on shallow waterways, rivers, and while doing landing on shore from landing crafts / ships, for military exercised and in the battlefield.

Portable Roads & Surface Stabilizing Track Mats

Portable Roads are flexible Mat based surfaces, which provide solutions to create temporary and semi- temporary pathways in terrain where vehicular and Tank movement gets hampered due to Soft/Marshy/Sandy/Snowy surfaces, where the wheels gets stuck in the ground. Once laid on such a surface it facilities smooth vehicular and troop movement.

Track ways also can be used to create clean and solid stable surfaces on soft or soggy ground where infrastructure like Tent’s Shelters’ Medical facilities, Field Hospitals & Military Events are conducted, after laying this on the ground, facilities can be created over it. It prevents water loggin and prevents ground deterioration. 

The track ways can also be laid under water to create paths for Tanks & trucks on shallow waterways, rivers and while doing landing on shore from landing crafts/ ships for military exercised and in the battlefield.

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